Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Living With Lupus: Tips that help me get by

Originally posted on Random Thoughts on Life:

Living with Lupus comes with a variety of issues that we must deal with daily. Some of these are physical and others are emotional.  Over the years, I have found different products, foods, and activities that help me cope with both.

On the physical level, the joint pain and rashes are the most consistent and persistent problems.  The malar face rash and body rashes that Lupus deals out can be hard to conceal and heal.  I have went through a variety of skin creams in an effort to keep the malar rash at bay and easier to mask.  Origins facial moisturizer and Rodan & Fields Soothe have by far been the best.  In fact, Soothe has helped keep the rash under control enough that with make up, I can conceal it and make it almost undetectable!  I also use it on the other body rashes I get from Lupus and it has been a huge help. Clinique’s Redness Solution face powder is designed to help cover redness in the skin so it has been a must in my make up regimen for years!  I know these things might seem trivial to some, but for those of us suffering from these rashes, anything that makes us feel better is a plus.

The joint pain isn’t as easy to deal with. I try to stay away from pain killers as much as possible. Of course, there are times when I take them because I cannot find relief in any other way, but I always try alternatives first. Heating pads sometimes help and I usually start there. I also have found that by getting in the pool and moving, I can ease the pain.  Simply moving in the pool, taking it slow and letting my body take the lead on what I can handle is the key to this type of therapy for me. Walking and bike riding when I am able are also beneficial. Any kind of light physical activity increases the joint flexibility and helps with pain relief.  These things don’t work overnight though, so creating a routine is important to long term benefits.

Yoga has been my salvation in recent years.  Not only is yoga good for you physically, but the mental and emotional benefits are enormous.  I do gentle yoga in order to respect my body’s limitations.  I still get the benefits of more demanding yoga, but without taxing my body in a way that would set me backwards. Kundalini Yoga is one of my favorites as it is a complete practice that involves meditation and focuses you on your intentions with each session.  The meditation has been very therapeutic for me and keeps me centered.  When I was getting ready to start chemo, my doctor asked what activities I did to help cope with Lupus.  When I mentioned yoga, he was pleased and advised that even if I couldn’t do the physical portion of the practice that I should continue the meditation. He believes that it helps with the emotional aspect of dealing with chemo and I agree.

What we put in our bodies is also very important to our overall health and wellness. This is especially true when dealing with chronic illness.  I do not eat fried foods and try to cook my own meals as often as possible.  Going out to dinner is a treat in some ways but can create digestive turmoil as well.  Not being in control of what goes into my food has caused me many a night of intestinal upset! We eat organic as much as possible, and include fruits / vegetables in our daily diet. Being aware of foods that can contribute to flares is also important. For example, I used to eat alfalfa sprouts quite often until I discovered that they were actually bad for Lupus and instigated flares.  Eating like this can be more expensive, but we either pay for what we put in our bodies now or we will pay for it later.

While some of these might not work for you, I still wanted to share them because I know I am always on the lookout for ideas that don’t involve medication. I would love to hear from you about what works for you. I firmly believe that sharing is caring and though our Lupus community we can support one another in finding ways to make life better for us all.

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